The programme fee of Rs 9,70,000/-, covers Admission, Tuition, Library, Computer Centre, Establishment, Text Books, Programme Materials, Examinations, Diploma, Co- curricular Activities and Alumni Association Membership.

The fees is to be paid in six installments as indicated below:

  • First Year : Rs. 5,10,000/-: Payable in three installments
  • Second Year : Rs. 4,60,000/-: Payable in three installment


Dates for payment of fees will be announced at the beginning of the academic year.

  • Caution Deposit: A one-time caution Deposit of Rs. 25,000 is payable at the time of admission, which is refundable at the end of the programme, after deducting dues to XIME, if any.
  • Hostel Charges Payable: The Hostel Fees payable by each student will be approximately Rs. 10,500 – Rs. 11,500 per month which includes lodging, boarding, electricity and water charges.
  • Students are required to stay in the hostel, unless exempted / excluded for any special reasons.
  • Laptop: It is necessary for every student to possess a laptop.

Note: Fees must be paid on time. Delayed payment will attract penalty.

After commencement of the programme, fees once paid will not be refunded even in the case of a student’s failure / termination or withdrawal from the programme.